• David Patrick Beston

    New York, NY

  • David Patrick Beston has lived in New York for a lengthy period of time and is well acquainted with the city's business sector and marketplaces. With more than a decade and a half of professional experience in the fastest-growing channels, one would assume he would eventually expand internationally. Regardless, Beston's life has revolved around New York and his family.

  • Early Travel and Life Experiences

    David Beston is no stranger to traveling the world prior to his career taking off. His early ventures to the other side of the earth began with an early termination in the United States Marine Corps. There he was promoted to sergeant and spent time stationed in Japan, Africa, and unusual locations like the Mojave Desert on the west coast of the United States. Beston's early time abroad stayed with him, and the scorching Southwest continues to be a location where he escapes for vacation, separation, and the occasional mental seclusion while trekking in the Mojave or in the wilderness outside of Phoenix, Arizona.

    That said, David Patrick Beston makes a point of taking advantage of his proximity to the Northeast, and he spends a significant deal of time in Maine as well. Between the lakes, forests, mountains, and coast, he enjoys a greater proportion of outdoor recreation than the average person. Of course, if given the chance, Beston will not pass up an adventure or two in the steamy jungles of Central America. Nonetheless, and having traveled the world at least once or twice, New York City remains Beston's home, bar none. The Big Apple and Manhattan remain the geographic epicenter of Beston's intellect and life.


  • A Compilation of Fascinating Backstories

    Beston's diverse skill sets and training enable him to draw on a diverse portfolio of knowledge on a daily basis. His first excursion into higher study came as a result of his military service. After leaving the Marines and the military in general, Beston entered vocational training to prepare for a transition to the civilian sphere via a Merivis program designed specifically for veterans. The Merivis program provided David Beston with a skill-based road into a cloud computing profession. That exposure to technology through the use of cutting-edge Internet-based tools opened his eyes to the possibilities available online.

    Additionally, David Patrick Beston earned a bachelor of arts degree from Hunter College-CUNY in New York. Beston's diverse experience endowed him with an uncanny capacity to flit between social issues and the arts, as well as the mechanical aspect of technology and the cutting edge of digital communications today. The same background instilled in Beston a strong appreciation for postmodern American writers, notably those of the 1960s and subsequent decade. He also developed a strong affinity for extensive reading of classics, especially works by Raymond Carver and David Foster Wallace. Even now, as an ardent reader, Beston certainly reads at least one or two books per week.

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    Work Perspectives Spanning the Life Cycle

    Beston's career path paralleled his diversified world-traveling lifestyle. Following his discharge from the Marines, Beston worked as an English instructor in Suwon, South Korea. After spending time stationed in Okinawa, Japan, and becoming acclimated to the East during his tour of duty, the transition to the teaching job was natural. However, it wasn't until he re-entered the statewide employment market that Beston's career truly took off. David Beston saw that he possessed a natural ability for sales and that the financial industry was a perfect fit for him, particularly given the combination of technology and cloud computing. This combination of perfectly aligned circumstances resulted in 14 years of heavy-duty high-end sales expertise and professional account management at the c-suite level. Additionally, it exposed David Beston to a variety of industries and their drivers on both macro and micro levels.

    Seize the Day

    Looking ahead, David Patrick Beston will continue to pursue sales and marketing opportunities that will allow him to leverage his combination talent and seasoned perspective on the world, while also allowing him to travel and see much more of it. In Beston's opinion, life is brief and must be savored. Simply sitting and wondering what-if results in the waste of years of energy and life, as opposed to taking a chance and discovering what's possible.

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  • Blog

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